Wednesday, June 02, 2010

"What To Do With The Tree" Contest

Most trees in our area have a lifespan considerably shortened by a combination of very little soil and very steep slopes. Especially for very tall trees, when rains loosen the meager root system's grip and winds give them a little nudge- it's topple time. This latest victim was one of the taller and probably the straightest cedar (ash juniper) on our property. Now it is one of the longest and straightest.

I'd love to figure out some very cool thing to build with this monster. The really straight part is at least 25 feet long and about 18 inches across, and that section probably weighs about 600 pounds. And since it is laying near the very bottom of our property, it will be quite an undertaking to bring it up the hill. So before I undertake that great engineering feat, I need a really good reason to bother. Here is the contest part: Send your suggestion in now, and the judge will carefully consider your idea before ridiculing it in public or claiming it as his own.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger yogini said...

It's probably wrong to cut it into smaller pieces, but here goes:
mantel for the fireplace.
kitchen/dining table.
whatever you call those planks that go over interior doors.
cofee table for the living room

And you'd still have lots left over for whatever your winning contestant suggests.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

make it a new car for your #1 daughter :) i know you can do it!
bed frame
porch swing
book shelf
totem pole
light fixture

At 7:28 AM, Blogger yogini said...

I noticed that we have now purchased a coffee table for the living room and a kitchen/dining table. So your options of what to do with the tree are narrowing down...progress?

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Chainsaw Yogi said...

I think the only option left at this point may be a totem pole or catapult. And both are the ultimate in cool geek projects!


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