Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Most problems in life can be solved with duct tape, at least for a while.  Hole is a radiator hose? Duct tape.  Mail box coming off its post? Duct tape.   Noisy neighbor? You guessed it, duct tape. 

I had a problem with birds landing on this floodlight and doing what birds do after they eat.  Could have ordered some of that fancy-smancy bird spike material to keep them off.  But why do that when all it takes is a few inches of duct tape (plus a few inverted roofing nails) to do the job? I just stuck the nails through the sticky side of the tape before adhering it against the curved top of the fixture.  Bird-B-Gone for maybe five cents worth of duct tape.

Warning for children:  Do not try this at home to deter siblings from sitting in that favorite spot of yours.    


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