Thursday, April 06, 2006


Funny how almost every time I see a snake it give me a little start at first. OK, sometimes a big start. Even when I'm on the lookout for them, the snake's initial movement that catches my eye triggers a very deep survival reaction. The first thought that runs through my mind is to run like hell, and the thought close behind is to kill them before they have a chance to get me or anyone else. Luckily, this Blotched Water Snake offers no real threat. It was just sort of hanging around a dry creek, probably wondering where all the water was. So, the snake survived another day, hopefully to find something smaller and more appetizing than the crazed human with a camera that I represented. When I was researching it in my Texas Snake book, I noticed that there were hundreds of non-venomous snakes in Texas, and only a handful of venomous ones. In the hill country, only the Diamond Back Rattlesnake, Water Moccasin, and Copperhead are common. But, I doubt that I'll remember that for the first few seconds after I see my next snake, and I'll be leaping backward and wondering where the nearest hoe is until I settle down.


At 11:21 PM, Blogger yogini said...

Thank goodness when you saw this snake, the nearest "hoe" was standing behind you, so the snake would bite you first, not her. ;)


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