Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A man and his dog

A friend David visited recently with his dog Connor, a wonderful (if more than a little hyper) example of man's best friend. It was great to see him racing around the property, exploring and enjoying being outdoors faster than any of us. Connor, that is; David just walked around like a normal human.

Connor had one of those hi-tech collar zappers which let him know that he'd better not stray too far from Papa, or face a corrective dose of electrical current. For anyone who objects to such devices, I must say that it definitely kept Connor away from the road, close to David, and alive for another visit someday. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking that there are a good many humans who might benefit from such a device around there necks. I'm thinking especially of those people with the hands-free cell phones, walking obliviously around airports and other public areas, demonstrating just how obnoxious they can be. If only their cell phones included electric collars which anyone could activate...

But I digress. Luckily, I have a place like Wimberley where I can go to escape all those little annoyances. I'm not ready to escape civilization entirely and live a Walden's Pond type of existence, but I think Connor has the right idea: get outside whenever you can, enjoy it fully, and plop down and relax when you are good and worn out.


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