Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fox Fotos, Finally

At last, some decent photographs of a fox that's been hanging around our backyard. We think there are actually two different ones since we see one with a bad limp half the time. This is the one with four good feet. Normally I just get a quick glimpse since he heads for the hills the second he hears a door or a footstep. But I got to see him for about 15 minutes since I looked out a window at just the right time. Shot these pics right through the glass. His ears are so sensitive that when I made the slightest noise in the house he would run about 50 feet away before slowly coming back.

I used to think he hung around the bird feeders hoping to pounce on an unsuspecting bird on the ground underneath. But this time he was definitely there just to scrape up the discarded seeds and sunflower shells for himself. Birds were hanging around overhead while he was there, but he seemed to know they were out of reach. Maybe the drought has made hunting tougher than normal; he looks pretty lean and was going through the seeds like it was his first meal in awhile.


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great pictures!!!!! remember an animals life is all about getting a meal!


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