Monday, December 03, 2007

Stairway to Heaven(ly view)

I've started insulation, electrical, and drywall along the stairway shown at right. I hadn't planned on doing much in the stairwell for some time since most of the second floor is pretty low priority: a loft and a spare bedroom. But, our frequent trips up to get the best possible view of the hills convinced me to make the voyage a little more civilized.

The second photo shows the reward for climbing the stairs, the view from the second floor deck.

So now I can add the stairwell to my growing list of half-finished projects in the house. OK, not even half finished. It is a kinda fun project though, since the stairwell is 20' high and the drywall will show off that height and make things much brighter. That high work is not made for my normal one-person drywall crew, so I'll be enlisting the help of some unsuspecting friends to help me get those long and heavy drywall sheets in place. Especially on the stairwell ceiling, which will make a great photo if there is
someone around with a camera who is:
1- Not burdened with the drywall
2- Not laughing too hard to take the picture


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