Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lollipop Tree

Five years ago a big windstorm broke the trunk of a red oak in our back yard about eight feet above the ground. Nothing left but a pole in the dirt with no branches or leaves. Hoping to save it, I cut the damaged area off cleanly and waited. Sure enough, the next year it sprouted new leaves all around the wound, creating a perfectly round little ball of foliage which earned it the name Lollipop Tree.

That little ball of leaves is now almost normal looking, although it still seems oddly perfect in shape. It's leaves just turned red this year, lagging a month behind the others. Seems like this old tree has a unique personality which is almost human. Tough, stubborn, and a tad behind the rest of the crowd. A real survivor. Sound like anyone you know?

And for just a few weeks this year, a beauty that makes it even more special.


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