Sunday, January 04, 2009

Lost: Wild Turkey

Not the kind of Wild Turkey you find in a bar, the kind you find in in the wild.

This past fall we were often delighted by a group of six wild turkeys that would hang out on the edge of our backyard at dawn and again at dusk each day. They were fun to watch and fun to hear, making those silly little gobbling noises as they cruised around looking for food. Probably on their way to and from a regular roosting spot nearby. But shortly after hunting season began the turkeys stopped showing up for their regular appointment. Which could be because they had already shown up on some hunter's dinner plate. And if I could get close enough to take this picture with a camera, they'd have been easy targets for any turkey with a gun.

I'm hoping (but not hopeful) that these critters just temporarily detoured to a more prosperous feeding ground. If they return I''ll be waiting to shoot them, not with a gun but with my trusty Canon.


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