Eleven years ago I had a problem with raccoons lifting off the lid to the metal garbage can where I kept about 60 pounds of bird seed. And a related problem with them eating the 60 pounds of bird seed. I tried various straps and other devices to secure the lid without it being a pain for ME to open the lid, but eventually the raccoons always figured out how to foil my schemes. Finally I figured out that I could place a huge inverted plastic tree potting container over the lid and most of the can, so that any critter would have to lift the plastic container straight up about two feet to get it off. And if they lifted it any less than two feet it would simply fall back down and keep the can secure and rain proof.
This all worked fabulously until last week. The mister brainy super-coon somehow got into the can and had a pretty good feast. Then it rained. I showed up Friday and discovered the mess, figured he would be back for more seed, and set the coon trap. Early Saturday morning he took the bait and I took this picture. See at the back of the photo the can, birdseed bag, and the black potting container off to the right. And of course mister not-so-happy coon in the trap. I think I'll stick with the old potting container scheme for now since if I can go another 11 years without a problem that's not so bad. But if super-coon trained some any of his friends and family on his technique, I'll have to get smarter.