Sometimes I need little reminders to stop and enjoy the beauty around me. At Wimberley (or anywhere, for that matter) I can get wrapped up in doing necessary projects, or if such a project isn't readily available, I'll create a not so necessary one. Seems like the past month has been a rush of holiday preparations, travel, car hassles, minor health annoyances, and work. So, with just a few days left until Christmas I thought I'd try to slow down a little by looking through some old photos. I actually found one showing a relaxing moment in Wimberley, cooling down from a hot summer afternoon. Soon it will be time to travel for Christmas celebrations, family visits, and all those things that make this season so special. For the rest of the day though, I'm going to try and think about as little of the mechanics of life as possible, and just relax. A yoga session is in order, followed by a little reading, either Nicholas Spark's "At First Sight" or Leif Enger's "Peace Like a River". Tomorrow, relax with the woman I love. Rejoice.
Wishing you true peace, this beautiful season and always.